Prof. Mahamad Sawan, Westlake University, Canada
(Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering/ IEEE Life Fellow)
Mohamad Sawan, Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering, Fellow of the Engineering Institute of Canada, Fellow of the Royal Society of Sciences of Canada, Fellow of the IEEE, is an internationally renowned scientist in the field of smart medical devices. He has made significant contributions in implantable and wearable medical devices based on smart microsystems. Professor Sawan got a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from University of Sherbrooke in 1990, was a postdoc fellow in Biomedical Engineering in McGill University in 1991, and was assistant professor, associate professor and full professor from 1991 to 2018 in Polytechnique, the Engineering School of University of Montreal. He joined the School of Engineering of Westlake University as a Chair Professor in 2018, he is the Founder and Principle Investigator the Center of Excellence in Biomedical Research on Advances-in-Chips Neurotechnologies (CenBRAIN Neurotech) in Westlake University.
Mohamad Sawan 是加拿大工程院院士、加拿大工程学会院士、加拿大皇家科学学会院士、电气和电子工程师学会院士,是智能医疗设备领域的国际知名科学家。他在基于智能微系统的植入式和可穿戴式医疗设备领域做出了重大贡献。Sawan教授于1990年获得舍布鲁克大学电气工程博士学位,1991年在麦吉尔大学生物医学工程系做博士后研究,1991年至2018年在蒙特利尔大学工程学院担任助理教授、副教授和正教授。他于2018年加入西湖大学工程学院担任讲座教授,是西湖大学先进芯片神经技术生物医学卓越研究中心(CenBRAIN Neurotech)的创始人和首席研究员。